Rogue One slowly comes into focus

Jason at Making Star Wars has posted some cool details based on concept art for Gareth Edwards’ Rogue One. In particular, it all revolves around this line from Darth Vader in Star Wars: A New Hope: “There’ll be no one to stop us this time.” Here’s the full exchange: Second Officer: Lord Vader, the battle station plans are…

A look at Marvel’s Star Wars titles

This is it. With Star Wars: Rebels currently airing, Star Wars: Tarkin hitting shelves next week and Star Wars: Episode VII wrapping production, we’re now entering the phase where the floodgates of Star Wars goodies are about to crack wide open. It seems that, with one Star Wars film being released each year for the…

Rumour: Episode VII to focus on Luke Skywalker?

The question that everyone’s still asking is why was Michael Arndt replaced as scriptwriter on Episode VII? The answer seems to be simpler than “His screenplay was a mess”—indeed, by all accounts it was a great Star Wars screenplay that delivered what most people would want. In short, the issue was that Arndt’s screenplay emphasised…