Anthony Daniels: Episode VII better than Empire Strikes Back

I once met Anthony Daniels. Besides being a very smart fellow and a real gentleman to boot, he’s also a man who won’t mince words when it comes to aspects of Star Wars that he doesn’t care for. He certainly wouldn’t gush unprompted unless he truly believed what he was saying. So when he posts…

R2-D2 in, Nick Gillard out?

Two pieces of Episode VII news today, one coming from the official Star Wars blog and the other coming straight from the horse’s mouth. Firstly, R2-D2 will be in Star Wars: Episode VII. What of a certain golden protocol droid? I guess we’ll just have to wait and see… The photo of J.J. Abrams, Kathleen…

Sit, Artoo, sit! Bad Robot

The big Episode VII news isn’t really that big, but it is kind of cool. Bad Robot (J.J. Abrams’ production company) posted the below tweet featuring Abrams, Kathleen Kennedy and a little-known droid called Artoo-Detoo: Hi from the workshop! #StarWarsVII — Bad Robot (@bad_robot) November 14, 2013 So there’s our first character confirmation: Artoo-Detoo.…

Rumour: Episode VII release pushed back?

Like sands through the hourglass… In our last instalment, Kathleen Kennedy was butting heads with Bob Iger over the release date for Episode VII, with Kennedy pushing for a 2016 release while Iger flatly refusing to budge from the expected summer 2015 release. Meanwhile, were only listing an open-ended 2015 release. The long-standing rumour,…