Even more Episode VII cast announced!

In a bid to bury the announcement of a two-week hiatus next month to accommodate Harrison Ford’s injury, the all-new StarWars.com has just announced two new cast members for Episode VII, both of whom originated with the open casting call last year. The first new cast member is Crystal Clarke, an American actress who will…

Robo-Ford to play Han Solo…? (updated)

We can rebuild Harrison Ford digitally. We have the technology. We can make him better than he was. Better, stronger, faster, more intense. A couple of days ago, I wrote the following: This sounds slightly crazy, but technology has progressed so far that a mix of CGI techniques and script tweaks should result in a film…

Kennedy and Abrams want a May 2016 release for Episode VII

Episode VII was initially announced for summer (presumably May) 2015, but word on the street was that, as pre-production progressed and Lawrence Kasdan and J.J. Abrams rewrote Michael Arndt’s draft script, Abrams and Kathleen Kennedy approached Disney CEO Bob Iger for a May 2016 release date instead. Iger compromised and gave them a December 2015…

No, Tom Cruise will not be in Episode VII

I’m only posting this because the rumour of Tom Cruise appearing in Episode VII continues to gain traction amid fears that Harrison Ford may be written out of the film. Cruise’s representative has told Entertainment Tonight that there is “no truth” to the rumour, even going so far as to call it pure fiction. As…

Harrison Ford injured… by the Millennium Falcon? (updated)

Apparently Harrison Ford has injured his ankle while filming a scene on the set of the Millennium Falcon. The culprit? A door on the ship. Here’s the official statement: Harrison Ford sustained an ankle injury during filming today on the set of Star Wars: Episode VII. He was taken to a local hospital and is receiving care. Shooting…