Dave Filoni talks Rebels, canon and Kanan

There’s a great interview with Dave Filoni that’s just been posted to IGN. Here are some salient quotes: Not to say that we would do this right, but I could see a scene far down the road where the Rebel [fleet] amasses near Sullust, and who knows if [the Ghost crew] were there or not? They…

Jaina Solo out… as was to be expected

Back in April, the old canon of the Star Wars expanded universe (EU) was relegated to the status of “Legends”, essentially making it apocrypha which could be drawn upon as needed. Disney and Lucasfilm needed a blank canvas to work within if they ever hoped to make annual theatrical forays in the galaxy far, far…

Better Know a Canon, part 2: Blade Squadron

Starting with issue 149 of Star Wars Insider magazine, all fiction published within its pages is part of the new Star Wars canon. What this means is that the two-part short story Blade Squadron is the first story written in prose to enter the canon since Disney’s purchase of Lucasfilm in 2012. Set around the…

Novelisations are part of the canon

So it turns out the novelisations of the seven Star Wars feature films (including the novelisation of the Clone Wars feature) are part of the new canon…at least where they don’t contradict the seven films themselves or the Clone Wars series. This means, of course, that so many scenes deleted from the films proper are still part of…

The expanded universe is officially dead

Finally… finally… the new EU (expanded universe) canon has been announced, and so I’m taking this opportunity to resume transmissions on Star Wars Always! The take home message is that the old EU is gone. Destroyed by the Empire! (Or Kathleen Kennedy—take your pick.) Catalogue titles will now be published with a “Legends” banner, although…

Fate of the Expanded Universe

Jedi News has posted a series of tweets from Leland Chee regarding Lucasfilm’s story group: @pauldunahoo @rwknopp Star Wars Canon is now determined by the Lucasfilm Story Group which @infinata and I are both a part of. — Leland Chee (@HolocronKeeper) January 6, 2014 @A_Targaryen Story Group has a hand in all facets of Star…