More clues for Episode VII’s opening scenes

Jason at Making Star Wars has posted a rough outline of what he suggests is the opening sequence for Episode VII. I won’t repeat the full, detailed account (as you can click the link and read it for yourself if you so desire) but instead I’ll simply say the following: John Boyega’s character is a “special…

Jaina Solo out… as was to be expected

Back in April, the old canon of the Star Wars expanded universe (EU) was relegated to the status of “Legends”, essentially making it apocrypha which could be drawn upon as needed. Disney and Lucasfilm needed a blank canvas to work within if they ever hoped to make annual theatrical forays in the galaxy far, far…

Episode VII: We’re not done with Tatooine just yet…

Star Wars Episode 7 News recently posted a set photo out of Pinewood Studios which featured what appear to huts in a Tatooine settlement. Lucasfilm asked the site to remove the image, so it appears that the photo was legitimate. What can we conclude? John Boyega and Daisy Ridley were apparently the only two stars out…

The case of the fuzzy photo… (updated)

UPDATE: A comment below along with a post on Star Wars Episode 7 News both seem to point to Rey-Phillip’s daughter being the culprit here. It’s unfortunate that this incident may have led to his demotion. UPDATE #2: The video is from here and is unrelated to Star Wars. Knowing that, the “darkside” photo is probably…